Daniel Steven Gamba Correa

Graduated in Electronic, Robotics, and Mechatronics Engineering (2023), with a specialization in Robotics and Automation, from the University of Málaga. The following year, he further specialized by completing the Master's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering (2024) at the same university. His research experience began with a collaboration grant in the Department of Systems and Automation Engineering, where he developed realistic sensors in the CARLA Simulator, publishing the data in ROS2. Additionally, due to his academic merits, he completed a one-month stay at Salisbury University, Maryland (2023). After this research experience, he participated in a part-time contract in the project PID2022-137095OB-I00 titled: "Safe and Efficient Driving System for Over-Actuated Electric Autonomous Vehicles Using Bio-Inspired Algorithms.

Email: danielgamba@uma.es